Lambda Phi Epsilon at THE Ohio State University

Our International History

Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity Inc. was founded on February 25th, 1981 by principal founder Mr. Craig Ishigo along with eighteen other dedicated men at the University of California Los Angeles. The founding fathers aimed to go beyond the divided limitations faced by Asian-interest organizations on campus. Their vision was that the members would eventually become the leaders of their respective ethnic communities, and thus, close the gaps that separated the Asian American community through their affiliation with a common organization.
Learn more about it here

Our Founding Fathers Are

Mr. Hunter Chang | Mr. Randy Fujimoto | Mr. John Hanvey | Mr. Craig Ishigo | Mr. Jeff Kaku | Mr. Bobby Kawai | Mr. Dean Kumagawa | Mr. Jim Lee | Mr. Bruce Mau | Mr. Ted Mihara | Mr. Neil Miyazaki | Mr. Darryl L. Mu | Mr. Kelvin Sakai | Mr. Kevin Shida | Mr. Albert Sun | Mr. Weyton Tam | Mr. Jamie Watanabe | Mr. Bennett Wong | Mr. Fred Wong

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Our Chapter History - The Twelve Tenshi and Beyond

Lambda Phi Epsilon at THE Ohio State University was established on April 02, 2020 with the mission to change the community for the better. Led by principal founder Kenny Vo, a dedicated group of 12 men began their journey to bring Asian Awareness to campus. Ever since, Lambda Phi Epsilon has worked to grow and root Asian Heritage in the Columbus area.

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To guide men on a lifelong discovery of authenticity and personal growth.


A world where Lambda men live authentic, fulfilling lives and contribute through the pursuit of their noble purpose.

Core Values

Wisdom: Pursuit of understanding and its positive application toward one’s life and the world.

Love: Care and respect for oneself, the brotherhood, and the world.

Cultural Heritage: Ideas and experiences of a people, transcending the world through generations.

Courageous Leadership: Integrity through action toward a more human world, especially in times of adversity.

Authenticity: Demonstration of one’s true self to the world, despite external expectations.


Lambda Phi Epsilon works with the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) to help save the lives of patients requiring bone marrow transplants. Individuals who suffer from illnesses that may require bone marrow transplants depend on donors with similar ethnic backgrounds to find compatible bone marrow matches. Thus, we aim to register as many committed donors to the cause through Columbus’ local Be The Match campaigns to increase the chances for patients to find a donor that could save their life with a transplant.
Lambda Phi Epsilon works with the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) to help save the lives of patients requiring bone marrow transplants. Individuals who suffer from illnesses that may require bone marrow transplants depend on donors with similar ethnic backgrounds to find compatible bone marrow matches. Thus, we aim to register as many committed donors to the cause through Columbus’ local Be The Match campaigns to increase the chances for patients to find a donor that could save their life with a transplant.